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DIS_move is an online dance work by artists with and without learning disabilities from Berlin, Novi Sad and Lyon created during the series of lockdowns in the COVID-19 pandemic. It is made of solo dance and music videos that internet users can select by their own choice and play them simultaneously in multiple combinations turning these videos into the art of screen choreography. DIS_move also contains audio descriptions in German for a certain combinations of videos selected by the artist participants.

DIS_move is a part of “DIS- is not included” initiative that offered a program for persons with learning disabilities in Berlin to explore dance, movement and performance, as well as it provided conditions for Berlin based and international artists with and without learning disabilities to work together and present their work in public. From this initiative emerged a new performing arts group: Tanzerei. Due to the pandemic related restrictions, the group moved their activities to an online environment. DIS_move is the first public performance of the Tanzerei group members, and their response to the ongoing questioning how to share dance and creative processes with a public during the pandemic.

Artists: Alexandre Achour, Sarah Al-Darwich, Saša Asentić, Snežana Bulatović, Dunja Crnjanski, Vanessa Franz, Hanna Gierl, Evelyn Golze, Gregorio Rodriguez Orozco, Veronika Patzuda, Laila Renger, Jelena Stefanoska, Dalibor Šandor, Steven Wamp

Artistic direction: Alexandre Achour and Saša Asentić
Audio description: Emmilou Rößling in collaboration with Silja Korn
Website development: Willehad Grafenhorst
Video editing: Alexandre Achour
Video recording and personal assistance: Alexandre Achour, Saša Asentić, Barbara Gierl, Karin Golze, Olivera Kovačević Crnjanski, David Permantier, Katrin Ledig, Hannah Marquardt, Nataša Murge Savić
Production management: Hannah Marquardt


Commissioned by Saša Asentić based on the concept by Fine Kwiatkowski and Willehad Grafenhorst and inspired by their project „al di là dell’aldilà"


DIS_move is produced within “DIS- is not included” project and funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Europe

Fokus Tanz, Kampnagel - Hamburg, Germany

Launch of the website on the 24/02/2021

Alexandre Achour

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