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Temporary Title, 2015 is an exhibition where visitors enter and leave at will. That situation is made with performers forming and deforming groups or assemblies while composing a landscape in perpetual transformation. The performer’s actions and presences oscillate between  recognizable and unrecognizable appearances which characteristics could be sculptural, animal, vegetal, mechanical .... and, sometimes, they approach the public to engage in conversations.

Taking up some of the materials developed for low pieces this work questions the dividing lines between human / inhuman, object / subject, transformation / transition / modification. At first sight, it can appear as something external to contemplate, but, the duration of the visit make it become a landscape in which we find ourselves, a situation to live, a space where our perception can be faster than the actions, otherwise says, a situation where maybe, time can wait.

Conception : Xavier Le Roy

Artistic collaborator : Scarlet Yu

With: Alexandre Achour, Jorge Alencar, Salka Ardal Rosengren, Saša Asentić, Christian Bourigault, Sherwood Chen, Christine De Smedt, Ben Evans, Luís Miguel Félix, Zeina Hanna, Alice Heyward, Becky Hilton, Hélène Iratchet, Xavier Le Roy, Neto Machado, Sabine Macher, João dos Santos Martins, Amaara Raheem, Jan Ritsema, Scarlet Yu 

Production: Le Kwatt
Coproduction : Kaldor Public Art Projects (Sydney), Carriageworks (Sydney), Les Spectacles vivants – Centre Pompidou (Paris), Festival d’Automne à Paris.
Avec le soutien de l’Adami, Dancehouse Australia International Fund
Thanks to La Biennale de Venise – College de Danza 2015

Alexandre Achour

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